Mecatech FW01 Full Set Of Titanium alloy Screws
Titanium alloy Shim Rings Set(10) M3-M6
TLR 5B Full Set Of Titanium alloy Screws
TZZRACING Titanium alloy 18MM Wheel Extenders Set(2)
TZZRACING Titanium alloy 18MM Wheel Extenders Set(2)
Including M8 Titanium alloy nuts (2)
Titanium alloy wheel extender is suitable for FG/PMT/GRP road bike wheels. You can turn your car into road mode through this wheel extender. It has two bolt holes, m4/m5, and it will adapt to MCD/Kraken/LOSI5T/5B Baja (Baja with shaft ETCs). The product includes m4 and m5 hard bolts, 12*16 thin gaskets for adjusting the clearance, and titanium alloy nuts with TZZ logo. Wheel extenders are guaranteed for life, and we are sure that no matter how much power equipment you use, they will not be destroyed (the bolt is not covered by the warranty).
TZZRACING Titanium alloy 24MM Wheel Extenders Set(2)
TZZRACING Titanium alloy 24MM Wheel Extenders Set(2)
Titanium alloy wheel extender, which has m4/m5 pin holes, will be adapted to MCD/Kraken/LOSI5T/5B Baja (Baja with shaftetcs). The product contains m4 and m5 hard plugs, and 12*16 thin gaskets are used to adjust the gap. Wheel extenders are guaranteed for life, and we are sure that no matter how much power equipment you use, they will not be destroyed (the bolt is not covered by the warranty). The thread of the extender is modelled off the Losi/kraken thread. For baja and mcd, nuts need to be replaced.-TZZRACING Titanium alloy Wheel Nuts (4)-Losi Thread